



  1. What is Systems Programming, Really?
  2. 浅谈 Linux下的零拷贝机制
  3. Strong Consistency Models
  4. 分布式系统资料收集
  5. 调度系统设计精要
  6. HTTP/2 详解
  7. HTTP/3 详解
  8. HTTP/3 从头到脚


  1. Distributed Consensus A.K.A. “What do we eat for lunch?”
  2. The actor model in 10 minutes
  3. 并发之痛 Thread,Goroutine,Actor
  4. Select, Epoll & kqueue



  1. [*] Go 1.11 Modules
  2. [*] 初窥 Go module
  3. [*] 跳出 Go module 的泥潭
  4. Testing Go: Mocking Third Party Dependencies
  5. Monkey Patching in Go
  6. GoMock 框架使用指南
  7. Monkey 框架使用指南
  8. Writing a very fast cache service with millions of entries in Go
  9. A visual guide to Go Memory Allocator from scratch (Golang)
  10. Go scheduler: Ms, Ps & Gs
  11. How the Go runtime implements maps efficiently (without generics)


  1. Paradigms of Rust for the Go developer
  2. [*] Creating a Rusty Rocket fuelled with Diesel
  3. Lessons learned on writing web applications completely in Rust
  4. A web application completely in Rust
  5. Command Line Apps in Rust
  6. [*] Rust Cookbook
  7. Understanding Rust: ownership, borrowing, lifetimes
  8. 不要害怕 Rust 的借用检查器
  9. Async await final
  10. Rust Tokio
  11. Rust future lib


  1. Armin Ronacher: I don’t understand Python’s Asyncio
  2. asyncio — Asynchronous I/O

Web 开发

  1. Thrift Missing Guide
  2. The Twelve-Factor App
  3. The Log: What every software engineer should know about real-time data’s unifying abstraction


  1. Google 全球级分布式数据库 Spanner 原理
  2. Bolt — an embedded key/value database for Go
  3. Intro to BoltDB: Painless Performant Persistence
  4. The Log-Structured Merge-Tree (LSM Tree)
  5. Log Structured Merge Trees
  6. bLSM:∗ A General Purpose Log Structured Merge Tree
  7. SSTable and Log Structured Storage: LevelDB
  8. Extensible Data Modeling
  9. Top 20 Design Tips for MySQL Data Architects


  1. [*] TiDB 的异步 schema 变更实现
  2. [*] MPP and SMP in TiDB


  1. 阿里 RocketMQ 如何解决消息的顺序 & 重复两大硬伤?
  2. 消息队列之 RocketMQ
  3. 消息队列之 RabbitMQ
  4. 消息队列之 Kafka


  1. [*] 吐血放送:2018年你错过的干货全在这里!内含重大福利!
  2. 单点登录(SSO)的设计与实现